Frequently Asked Questions
The fbe has branches across the UK which organise formal and informal events throughout the year. The benefits of operating on a local level is that local people work on local projects, meaning the people you meet at your branch's events understand the social-economic and political landscape of the area in which you work and members find very useful local contacts at these events.
Your fbe membership entitles you to go to any events around the country.
As a member of fbe or fft you can attend any events we hold.
Unfortunately if you are not the member you will need to attend the event as a non member or you can apply for membership now.
You will need to be proposed/seconded by two fully paid up members of the Branch and elected at an Annual General Meeting, details of the procedure will be in the Branch Constitution. If you would like to email admin@fbeonline.co.uk and say which branch you would like to be a committee member of, we can pass on your details to the chairman and ask them to contact you.
The fbe is the UK's leading networking organisation for professionals working in the built environment industry. By holding first-class events with world-class speakers, the fbe creates opportunities for personal, professional and commercial development.
fbe members are drawn from all built environment-related professions, from commercial property developers to construction professionals. We currently have over 1,000 members in the UK, which we are working towards doubling within the next four years.
The fob was rebranded and restructured to make it more relevant to today's industry. The fbe reflects our mission to be a united voice in the industry representing the multiplicity of disciplines within it.
Each branch has its own chairman and the organisation as a whole is overseen by the National Management Committee and Board of Directors, chaired by Howard Gadd.
fbe has 3 types of membership; Member (MFB), fft and Retired.
For more information please go to our ‘Why Join fbe’ page.