Insights | Sancroft July Newsletter

In the UK election, it is clear that the divisive culture-war narratives surrounding climate and sustainability failed to persuade voters, who comprehensively rejected them. This shift in public sentiment underscores a broader recognition that the need for action transcends party politics.

Businesses, too, have long called for a stable and ambitious regulatory framework to drive sustainability initiatives. They understand that the future hinges on creating a cleaner, safer and more prosperous world for all.

The launch of the Mission 2025 group at the recent London Climate Action Week reflects this changing tide. Mission 2025, a group made up of businesses, investors, pressure groups, community leaders and individuals, is inviting governments to collaborate on ratcheting global ambition to limit global temperature increases to 1.5°C. This target is not merely a scientific imperative but a moral one, reflecting a collective desire to ensure a habitable planet for future generations.

The new Labour government, for its part, has laid out plans to put climate and sustainability front and centre of its plans and lead on the issue on the world stage. This is positive. Businesses are ready to invest in sustainable technologies, infrastructure and strategies, but they need consistent and forward-thinking domestic and international policies to guide their actions.

Businesses must play their part too. They must look forward, building systems and strategies that don’t just meet compliance or transparency requirements but enhance and accelerate their business and environmental sustainability. Companies that take these steps will find themselves better prepared and more resilient in the face of future challenges – for the good of their shareholders, their customers, the planet and the economy.

At Sancroft, we believe that the challenges ahead – steep though they are – are not only achievable but should galvanise us all to drive a vision of the future that is markedly better than the present, for everyone. This vision includes not just environmental benefits but also social and economic gains. A world that is cleaner, safer, less costly, more secure, fairer, more prosperous and with more good quality jobs.

It’s high time to shift our collective focus from political squabbles to concrete actions that drive sustainability. By embracing this challenge, we can create a future that is not only viable but vibrant. Let’s seize this moment of consensus and optimism to build a better approach, one that aligns with the ambitious goals laid out at London Climate Action Week and beyond.

Judy Kuszewski
CEO Sancroft International
Chief Executive

Judy is Sancroft’s Chief Executive, a position she has held since 2017. Judy’s career in sustainable business and ESG began over thirty years ago. She is one of the most experienced and knowledgeable advisors in the field.

July’s Essential Insights

CSDDD: Be proactive and seize the opportunity Case Study: Assessing risks in the finance sector

The EU regulation is an opportunity to set strategic priorities that will improve organisational Discover how Sancroft helped Lloyds Banking Group proactively identify and prioritise resilience and root out systemic challenges in supply chains. human rights risks connected to its business and supply chains.

Case study: Evaluating financial and impact materiality

Learn how we helped Origin Enterprises gather comprehensive knowledge of its highest
priority sustainability topics and guide the direction of its strategy.

News from Sancroft

A new plan for transforming the waste industry In the media: The role for TNFD in managing risk

Hot on the heels of the election, Sancroft has helped Reconomy launch a 10-point plan Our CEO Judy explains how new TNFD guidance helps businesses identify and understand designed to help the government support a zero-waste future. the scale and severity of nature-related risks.

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Insights | Newsletter January 2023