Member: 120 + VAT
Non-member: £140 + VAT
Event Details:
This is a fantastic event which is always very popular and has a regular following. Therefore with only six teams available this event is likely to get booked quickly.
The clay shoot is taking place at the Brokencote Hall Hotel in Chaddersley Corbett ( close to Kidderminster and details for the event are generally as follows:
Arrival from 08:30 and gathering in the conservatory at the rear of the hotel accessed through the hotel.
Bacon Rolls & Coffee followed by safety briefing and two sessions of shooting at six different stands to represent different traps and skills.
The shoot is followed by lunch in the sunning Brokencote Hall Hotel followed by prize giving for best male, best female and best newcomer.
As you would expect, please wear appropriate clothing for the weather and we are likely to be in the fields just outside the front of the hotel which are generally fairly firm but could be muddy if we have poor weather.
The Hotel is beautiful and set in stunning surroundings and the shoot takes place over fields extending from the front of the hotel so that is a short walk to the hotel and facilities.